Day 1 of My Journey Backwards Into Gluten: and Why!
As I write this, my brain is in a fog, I have a vague pain in my upper left abdomen, there is a migraine coming on, and have general fatigue. I feel as if my German Shepherd is sitting on me and I can't get up. Yep, I was glutened. On purpose. Why, for goodness sakes??
Today, February 17th, 2012 marks the day that I reintroduce gluten to my body, and I will do so everyday for the next month, because I want to be tested for Celiac Disease by my doctor. It is pointless to be tested if you are on a gluten free regimen, because your body has healed from the inflammation and damage that gluten causes. I used to think it didn't matter whether I had an "official" diagnosis or not, since the treatment for both Celiac and gluten sensitivity is the same: a gluten free diet. There was no doubt that I react to gluten, especially after being free of it, which was enough for me to know I needed to be gluten free. However, I had an epiphany. As I look at my anemic 21 year old daughter, Krista, with vague fatigue, muscle and joint pains, ADHD, and digestive issues, and seeing my teeny, tiny 12 year old granddaughter Sierra, who is in the 1% of her height and weight group for her age, (while her sister and all of my children were usually always in the 90 percentile) - who has many classic Celiac and/or gluten sensitivity symptoms besides poor growth: abdominal pains, bloating, gas, diarrhea, reflux, poor appetite, lactose intolerance, headaches, and has ADHD - I need to do this, for them, it is something of a legacy I can leave behind in case I am not around forever, as none of us are, but this is more of a possibility given my recent Breast Cancer diagnosis.Celiac disease is genetic. If I have it, there is a chance my children and grandchildren have it or will develop it later. If you have celiac disease, but do not get it diagnosed and just assume it is non-celiac gluten sensitivity, your whole family can be impacted by this choice. For all four of my adult children, and my granddaughters, and all of their future prodigy, because if I have a definitive diagnosis then the chance they have it just went up by 50%, and that may get their attention. Sierra's mom is a wonderful mother, and wants only the best for her children, and she would not have invasive testing done on her daughter just on my recommendation. Who really wants to be poked and prodded anyway, at least not without a darn good reason? So, my hope is that, with knowing whether I am Celiac or gluten sensitive, and at what % risk that puts my children/grandchildren, they will have that darn good reason to look into it. I hope and pray. I feel like Krista and Sierra are at the very least sensitive to gluten, if not Celiac, and I want them to feel better, reach their growth potential, and feel normal: something they probably never have felt! I also want for all of my children and grandchildren to have answers I never had until my 5th decade, and hopefully spare them all of the frustration and misdiagnoses that all of us who need to be gluten free have experienced. So, I am taking a journey backwards, into gluten-infested waters, so to speak, for my family's sake. Now it is worth noting that a person can be tested for the celiac gene at any time, whether or not consuming gluten, but possessing the gene may or may not cause symptoms. The symptoms of celiac disease or gluten sensitivity occur due to the inflammation on the gut caused by gluten consumption. Here is a great article by the University of Chicago on genetic celiac testing.
First-degree relatives of people with celiac disease (children, parents, and siblings) have a 1 in 22 chance of developing celiac disease in their lifetimes. Furthermore, the prevalence of celiac disease in children of celiac patients is approximately 15%. If I have Celiac, then my daughter and her children could have the genes for celiac disease, and they should have blood tests at regular intervals to see whether celiac disease has developed, even if they have no obvious symptoms. (The sooner it’s diagnosed, the lower their risk of serious complications!) Now it is entirely possible that I do not have Celiac Disease, it could be that I am one of those people who happens to be sensitive to the "super gluten" bio-engineered in this country in the last 50 years (see this article by Dr. Mark Hyman). Dr Hyman thinks everyone should avoid wheat and gluten! The funny thing is, that 1 year ago I didn't know what gluten was, or that it was causing me any problems. I didn't feel well, and hadn't for decades. I was chronically ill with numerous heal concerns that worsened each year; read my story here, and a plant based, whole food, gluten free diet reversed all of it. I am so glad I did a gluten free trial a year ago and got my health back; but it does make me a little nervous about going back to gluten. Here is an article outlining six reasons why one should be tested for Celiac Disease before eliminating gluten.
I plan to blog about the journey daily, perhaps my experiences can help someone else out there. It will be detailed and hopefully boring, LOL! I hope someone can gain something from the experience. I will continue to share vegan recipes during this time, and those of you who also follow me on Facebook and Twitter will still get all of the shared information daily, this will just be a new aspect. I feel a little like someone standing on the edge of a cliff about to jump, thinking that bungee cord looks old and frayed.....haha. Wish me luck!
*NOTE: If you think you might be gluten sensitive or have Celiac Disease, it is important to continue eating your usual diet before you are tested so the test will be accurate!!Go to for info on symptoms.
Today's Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Fact:
Celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive disease that damages the villi of the small intestine and interferes with absorption of nutrients from food.
Day 2
It's the morning of day 2, roughly 24 hours since I began ingesting gluten. That sounds so weird! I knew I was going to feel bad, but because I am doing it for a higher purpose, for someone other than myself, I will push through it. However, it is not going to be easy. I had hoped getting gluten sick would not be too bad, since I have replaced makeup, vitamin supplements, shampoo, and toothpaste with gluten free versions. Even my holistic dog and cat food is gluten free, better for them since gluten is indigestible by dogs and cats, and no chance of cross contamination for me! My church even provides gluten free crackers and wine for communion as an option that was not offered a couple of years ago. So I wasn't fully prepared for feeling like...well, dog poop!
I could describe my body's current state scientifically as "generalized and wide-spread inflammation". That would be the nurse in me talking. The plain old human being in me would describe what I feel like as feeling zapped by an alien ray! My blood cells have turned to stone, it is as if I can feel every hard, coarse cell tumbling through the rivers of my body. Every joint is screaming. My knuckles, wrists, elbows, shoulders, etc. feel almost as if I was beaten with a baseball bat. Even the base of my skull throbs, causing a radiating pain all the way across the cranium and even into the jaw.I have a chronic bad back, and until now didn't realize how much freedom from pain I have enjoyed since going gluten free and vegan. Today I am reminded. Getting out of the bed was a major chore, let me tell ya! I didn't sleep well, I tossed and turned a lot. Maybe that is part of why I feel so exhausted, but it is also because I have set my entire intestinal system on fire with gluten and my body is fighting that with all it's got. It's like having the flu, without the fever.
Yes, I am questioning my own sanity at this point. Why am I doing this again? Then I look at that picture of Sierra above, and know why: I want to spare her and the rest of my family all of this. It amazes me that a year ago I did not know about gluten, and had felt 'crappy' with vague symptoms for my whole life. My energy level was moderate to low all the time (compared to my energy without gluten) and I had IBS, gastric reflux, Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus, migraines, abdominal pain that came and went, arthritis pain and swelling in joints, severe chronic constipation, tingling and numbness in hands and feet, irritability/depression, anemia, and osteopenia - all of which vanished on a gluten-free, vegan diet - except the bone loss, which I still am working to heal. I just sort of lived with it, not knowing what else to do. Gluten effect was the greatest discovery of my life, besides meeting my husband, that is! The past year I steadily got healthier, more energetic, and happier than I had ever been! Oh, how I wish I had just gotten tested for Celiac/gluten sensitivity back then!
I am pretty sure my husband and I are going to starve to death, since I don't have the energy to cook. It took all I had to squeeze my daily lemon into my 32 ounce glass of water this morning, LOL. I guess the hubby is going to have to learn to steam veggies and scramble tofu....he used to cook as an omnivore, so I know he can, he just hasn't since we went vegan/GF. Oh, maybe we could fall back on Gardein, Boca, and other 'fake meat' that we have had to avoid due to gluten, although I don't like the idea of processed food re-entering our diet.
OK, enough brain-fog rambling from the Glutened One. I hope something here strikes you as interesting or entertaining. This daily journal should provide some insight at least for those who are considering a gluten free diet, and those who need to be reminded what you are in for if you "cheat" on your gluten free diet. Those gluten-filled cookies at the party are not worth it, step away!
STRATEGY FOR TODAY: To incorporate yoga and meditation to help deal with the pain, adding more anti-inflammaory foods and spices to the menu like green tea, basil, rosemary, mint, turmeric, cinnamon, & adding even more flax seed, and avoiding the nightshade family of veggies, and encourage hubby to cook!
End of Day 2 update
I felt really, really sluggish all day, and have generalized itching, no rash, just itchiness all over in addition to all the symptoms mentioned above. I decided to increase my water intake to help flush toxins, I already have a personal minimum of 96 ounces a day, so I am aiming for 128 ounces. Little energy for yoga, so it didn't happen. My son treated us to dinner, and I had Gardein beef Sliders (mini hamburgers, vegan of course) and fries at a local restaurant, I had a strange reaction. I became nauseous, bloated, and so incredibly sleepy, I couldn't stop yawning, and it was early! I had to hang on to my hubby to walk out of the place. Sleepiness persisted, and the 'brain fog' was worse than ever. I feel like I am barely functioning cognitively and physically! In a nutshell, gluten is evil! I hope there is some level of acclimation on my part tomorrow .Maybe I reacted this way in part because I am simply not used to all those carbs. Before going GF and vegan, I was overweight and a T2 Diabetic. I will begin checking my blood glucose especially after meals containing carbs to see if this is part of my problem. My son suggests increasing my antioxidant vitamins C & E, will add that to my regimen, though my absorption is definitely compromised ...
About testing for Celiac Disease per
Blood tests are the first step in a diagnosis of celiac disease. A doctor will order one or more of a series of blood tests to measure your body's response to gluten.
** It is important to continue eating a normal, gluten-containing diet before being tested for celiac. If the blood tests and symptoms indicate celiac, a physician may suggest a biopsy of the lining of the small intestine to confirm the diagnosis.The most common blood test requested by doctors is the Celiac Panel. This test measures both your immune system’s response to gluten and whether there is damage to the intestinal tissue. The Celiac Panel consists of tests for the following: Anti-gliadin anti-bodies (AGA) for both IgA and IgG (IgA and IgG have a roll in controlling the immune system); anti-endomysial antibodies (EMA) -- IgA; anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies (tTG) -- IgA, and total IgA level.According to Dr. Thomas O’Bryan (an expert and lecturer about gluten intolerance), this test records a false negative 7 out of 10 times. These false negatives are due in part to the physician’s interpretations as well as the patient’s condition at the time of the test. Physicians may interpret the test as negative if the test for intestinal tissue damage (anti tTG and EMA) is negative -- even if the blood test results indicate a positive immune reaction. The intestinal tissue tests will only come back positive if there is severe damage or atrophy to the tissue -- the kind found in the end-stage Celiac Disease. If there is only partial atrophy, the accuracy of this test goes down to 27-30 percent.Another issue with the Celiac Panel test is that it does not account for those with IgA deficiency, which occurs 10 to 15 times more commonly among people with Celiac Disease than the general population. Patients with IgA deficiency will lack IgA antibodies, so this blood panel shows up negative. In addition, this panel only screens for one problematic portion of the gluten protein (alpha gliadin), when there are approximately 60 problematic portions. If you have an intolerance to one of the other 50+ proteins in gluten besides alpha gliadin, this test will come back negative. Dr. Vikki Petersen, author of The Gluten Effect, believes physicians are misdiagnosing 50 percent of the population according to these false negatives. As we are learning, there is a spectrum of gluten intolerance from slight to severe, and these tests do not pick up everyone’s sensitivities.
Today's Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Fact:
One in 133 Americans have celiac disease. 95% of celiacs are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed with other conditions. (Source: Fasano A, et al. Arch Intern Med. 2003;163:286-292.)
Day 3
Feeling awful. My very bones seem to hurt, the fatigue is overwhelming, it is only 3 PM and I have already had 2 naps though they didn't do me much good, it seems. I really hate to think of all the ground I gained in healing my body going down the drain here. The joints all hurt, brain fog just won't lift, abdominal cramps and sharp pains are rampant. I feel bloated and as if I don't fit in my skin. The generalized itching comes and goes, but the headache remains no matter what I do. I feel irritable, and am trying hard not to complain or be 'snippy', afterall, taking it out on others (especially when this is my own doing) would only make matters worse. Yes, I really am second guessing the sanity of this plan, particularly in light of the fact that a large percentage of celiac testing yields a false negative anyway, due to flaws in the test itself. However, there is a chance the test will be conclusively positive, and would be reason to test my grandaughter, and for my adult children to keep in mind for the future. On a very positive note, my hubby made lunch today! He steamed a nice big bunch of frozen veggies and heated up some canned beans, and we got very full! It was wonderful, just like he is!
Once again, I'd like to say that I hope someone gains something from this daily journal Backwards Into Gluten, that perhaps I can spare you some pain and difficulty, encourage you to be tested before starting a gluten free journey, or be able to avoid the temptations of this gluten-filled world by knowing how hard it is going to be on your body!
STRATEGY FOR TODAY: Yoga and meditation to help deal with the pain, anti-inflammaory foods and spices to the menu like green tea, basil, rosemary, mint, turmeric, cinnamon, & increasing my normal flax seed, avoiding the nightshade family of veggies, drinking 128 ounces of filtered water through the day, and taking in some healing sunshine and Vit. D!
Today's Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Fact:
Genetic testing does not diagnose Celiac Disease - its largest benefit is that the absence of DQ2 and DQ8 essentially excludes CD.
Day 4
I am realizing more and more that I am in not only a physical battle, but a mental one. I had not really thought about it, but how you choose to eat begins not with the mouth, but the mind. Then, what you feel as a result, you experience on the cognitive level as well. It's no wonder 'brain fog' is so common among those with Celiac and gluten sensitivity! Lately, I find telling myself to eat that which is going to hurt to be very difficult. I thought since it was so hard at times to stay completely away from gluten, that all I would have to do is stop reading labels and obsessing; to just chill. Well it isn't that easy! I brought 'regular" gluten filled wheat bread into the house for the first time in a year. I didn't realize how very much my eating habits have changed, and I scarcely know what to do with that bread, lol! Since we are vegan and were gluten free, we have never bought or used fake sandwich meats. I had Type 2 Diabetes prior to going vegan and GF, after losing about 30 pounds it went away and the doc took me off the Metformin. I continue to be conscious of the carbs I eat, particularly simple carbs such as bread, and I am just not in the habit of eating carbs, so I am forcing myself, and it doesn't feel right mentally or physically! It doesn't even taste that good! My taste buds have actually changed. Bread was one of my weaknesses in the pre-vegan and GF life, that led to my weight problems and eventually T2 Diabetes, so one realization that comes from this gluten trial is that a person can overcome their bad eating habits and beat the cravings completely! Now I would rather have a big bowlful of kale with sauteed onions and mushrooms, yum!
In the absence of gluten, combined with a healthy, whole foods diet that rarely includes anything processed, sweet, or containing simple carbs, my body restored itself. I lost weight, in fact almost 90 pounds to date, my T2 Diabetes resolved, my GERD resolved, I have not had a flare from my Lupus, my blood pressure normalized, my chronic back pain lessened, my migraines went away, my moods stabilized; in a nutshell, I am happy and healthy! Having to force what my body views as poison (gluten) into my mouth goes against all of that, the Gluten Police surely should arrest me!
In the absence of gluten, combined with a healthy, whole foods diet that rarely includes anything processed, sweet, or containing simple carbs, my body restored itself. I lost weight, in fact almost 90 pounds to date, my T2 Diabetes resolved, my GERD resolved, I have not had a flare from my Lupus, my blood pressure normalized, my chronic back pain lessened, my migraines went away, my moods stabilized; in a nutshell, I am happy and healthy! Having to force what my body views as poison (gluten) into my mouth goes against all of that, the Gluten Police surely should arrest me!
Physically things continue the same, nothing new, and nothing less. I will continue in this quest, albeit detrimental to my well being, because I feel it is for the best for my family to have concrete evidence so they can act accordingly. This time period serves to remind me how very far I have come on my heathful journey, and I really appreciate the lessons I have learned along the way, so I have no doubt this too will be an opportunity to learn. This is why I have chosen to share with my 800+ followers, in the hopes that you too, can learn from this, even if it is NOT TO GO BACK TO GLUTEN, EVER! LOL
STRATEGY FOR TODAY: Move. Get off the couch! This is a more realistic than yoga, which isn't happening. Continue to eat a healthy vegan diet, and drink my 4 quarts of water.
Today's Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Fact:
The onset of Celiac Disease can occur at any time in a person’s life. Once a person is diagnosed, family members should be urged to get tested as well. ~
Day 5
I have reached a "Gluten Plateau". By this I mean that it seems I am getting used to being gluten sick, and finding things I can do besides vegetate on the sofa all day. Today I painted the trim and door in one of the extra bedrooms that we recently repainted the walls of, something I have been meaning to do. It is always good to accomplish something, but this seems like a milestone to me, hopefully marking a new phase of my journey that is less Zombie and more Human. No more is the scary, walking dead creature inhabiting my home and sucking up my air! The human is still here, fighting for her life, and winning! ( UGH! Why can't I say 'winning' without hearing Charlie Sheen's manic voice?)
I could spend weeks on the PubMed database reading related papers ranging from gluten related immune regulation to neurodegenerative diseases related to gluten reactivity. I enjoy learning, and everything I learn stimulates my desire to learn more. I am picky about where I get my information (Lord knows there is plenty of misinformation out there) and PubMed has reliable scientific information from the brightest minds in the country presumably. Additionally, it keeps my mind distracted from physical symptoms that I do not wish to dwell on.
I have immersed myself the past few days in the testing for Celiac Disease. The most current approaches in scientifically based assessment and validation of gluten immune reactions are by Dr. Ari Vojdani, who is the guy who pioneered IgG testing many years ago. Now, he’s involved in applications used for identifying (and validating) immune reactivity to different types or fractions of glutens, so patients can know which specific types of glutens they’re reacting to, and the extent of their reactivity, and any related neuro-immune issues, like opiates related to an allergen, that may be related to their individual profile. Cyrex Labs is the base for his work, and Cyrex has 4 different types of immune panels, and are working on a 5th, and provide affordable testing across the country. I shared this information with my personal physician today, and he is looking into it as well. When my 4 week gluten nightmare comes to an end, hopefully the most current and accurate testing available will make this all worth while.
STRATEGY FOR TODAY: Do something, anything productive. Continue to eat a healthy vegan diet, and drink my 4 quarts of water.
Today's Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Fact:"A decade ago celiac disease was considered extremely rare outside Europe and, therefore, was almost completely ignored by health care professionals. In only 10 years, key milestones have moved celiac disease from obscurity into the popular spotlight worldwide. Now we are observing another interesting phenomenon that is generating great confusion among health care professionals. The number of individuals embracing a gluten free diet appears much higher than the projected number of celiac disease patients, fueling a global market of gluten free products approaching the $2.5 billion in global sales in 2010." Biomed Central
Day 6
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words.
'nuff said ...
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I also made an unexpected discovery of gluten effect on my husband. When we made the decision to become vegan and gluten free, it was with the knowledge that wheat has consequences on the human body unlike anything in any generation before due to the development of "super gluten". Wheat, and gluten, trigger weight gain, pre-Diabetes, Diabetes, and inflammatory conditions including arthritis and gout. Part of my research included exploring the "Blood Type Diet" by Dr. D'Adamo (whose science is based on lectins that attach themselves to the antigens in our blood. His science on lectins is sound, however I feel he did miss the boat on animal products in general.) Last spring, my husband and I chose to become vegan and at the same time, subscribe to the Blood Type Diet (without meat that type O is supposedly good at utilizing) avoiding things not good for Type O, and that included wheat. But my further research led me to choose to be free of all gluten, not just wheat. We have both lost a great deal of weight and feel much healthier and more energized. I have told you my story, but haven't gone into Ken's plight. When I began re-introducing gluten, it was easy to just make the same meal for both of us. He has suffered severe gout attacks for years as well as swelling of his feet and lower legs that was painful at times, and since being gluten free has not had one single flare up. However, since reintroducing gluten to our home, he went along with it never thinking it would affect him; but it did! Unfortunately we also ran out of Bladderwrack which we took daily to counteract bad lectins in our bodies as recommended by Dr. Peter D'Adamo, author of Eat Right For Your Type (the blood type diet) which we subscribe to 95% - we do not eat meat which is supposedly good for type O's.
First we noticed a tiny patch of eczema which he only gets in one spot every few years, and he just treats it for a while with creams and it goes away. (Eczema is commonly associated with gluten). Then we noticed his legs and feet swelling some, and I suspected gluten was responsible, but Ken was not convinced. We continued to consume gluten once or twice daily, and yesterday he woke up with moderate pain in his feet and ankles, no apparent reason other than generalized swelling. This morning he could barely walk, and he considered the pain severe.As of today he is back on his gluten free diet, while I am not, which creates a serious cross-contamination issue! I was planning to do a major wipe-down if all surfaces at the end of my gluten-trial, but now I have to do it several times a day, keep 'his' and 'hers' pasta and bread in separate containers, and I have to be very careful when cooking not to cross contaminate. Now I know many of you have families with only part of the family on gluten-free diets, so this is nothing new to you! I applaud you all, for this is definitely not easy, and you have to be a little OCD to do it properly! It was, and will be in a few weeks, so much easier to have a completely gluten free home!
Day 7
I find that I still am on a "Gluten Plateau", my term for more or less getting used to feeling sluggish, foggy, and feeling random pains, and thankfully, I am able to function, cook, etc.
I find myself wondering if I should even bother taking my calcium or multivitamin with iron, because they are probably not being absorbed anyway! My intestinal villi are probably so angry with me right now that they can't allow anything good to pass into my bloodstream, LOL! Of course, I will continue to take the supplements, (my B12 is sublingual, meaning it dissolves under the tongue and goes directly to the bloodstream bypassing the GI tract). I can't afford for my osteopenia to get any worse, and maybe some of the calcium is getting absorbed and utilized. Most of the damage is continuing inside though I am virtually unaware, much like all of us before we discovered (or suspected) we were Celiac or gluten sensitive. I just hope and pray that the damage will be just enough to get an accurate test, but not enough to do more harm to my body.
STRATEGY FOR TODAY: Sunshine! Glorious, copious, sunshine here in south Texas, and I am going to seek it's rejuvenating, healing rays, if only to sit in the hammock swing awhile. Also yoga, and continuing to avoid inflammatory foods and spices. Oh, and definitely more candlelit bubble bath time!
Today's Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Fact:
AVOID IN ANY FORM: Wheat (einkorn, durum, faro, graham, kamut, semolina, spelt), rye, barley, triticale, and artificial sweeteners and products containing Maltodextrin (usually extracted from wheat).
Day 8
Well I am hanging in there! I continue to consume gluten and I am still alive, lol. I feel as though I have gained weight - I am not happy about that because I still have about 20 pounds to lose even though I have lost a great deal since going vegan and gluten free a year ago. However, the scale says I have lost a couple of pounds, so obviously it is non-water bloating, and it is very unpleasant. I have struggled with my weight since my twenties, unlike many people with Celiac or severe gluten issues who have difficulty putting on weight, like my grandaughter Sierra.
Revelation: The gluten effect intensifies if I get less than 3 quarts of water, so I strive for 4. Yesterday I got in less than 3, and I sure felt it today. Our bodies are 98% water, afterall! It only makes sense that the gluten would thereby be in higher concentration in my system, and for a longer period.
Revelation: The gluten effect intensifies if I get less than 3 quarts of water, so I strive for 4. Yesterday I got in less than 3, and I sure felt it today. Our bodies are 98% water, afterall! It only makes sense that the gluten would thereby be in higher concentration in my system, and for a longer period.
STRATEGY FOR TODAY: Survive a community-wide garage sale! I am looking forward to getting rid of a lot of accumulation, mostly from my kids who have all moved out, and I don't know why I still have their stuff!! Staying well hydrated, staying positive!
Today's Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Fact:
Wheat Free Is Not Gluten-Free! Products labeled wheat-free are not necessarily gluten-free. They may still contain spelt, rye or barley-based ingredients that are not GF. Spelt is a form of wheat.
Day 9 spent recuperating from the ordeal of the garage sale ~
Day 10
I have come to realize that any pain response in my body is magnified on gluten approximately by a factor of 10. One of the very few physical ailments of mine that was not reversed completely by a vegan, gluten free diet, is the three herniated discs in my back that I have had to live with for many years. However, my pain in general had improved so much that I no longer had to take Celebrex daily, and that was a wonderful thing! I still have to be careful, but I am able to move more and hurt less than ever before, or at least this was the case before journeying Backwards Into Gluten. So I am in considerable discomfort after making preparations for my garage sale, and the hours I was forced to sit in a less than optimal chair for hours, and sitting on the hard brick flower bed for the last hour because I sold my chair, lol. I had to retreat a couple of hours before the scheduled end of the garage sale due to the pain, and still am experiencing significant pain from compression of the discs caused by sitting and inflammation of all my joints, not just vertebral, that is no doubt fueled by gluten.

First we noticed a tiny patch of eczema which he only gets in one spot every few years, and he just treats it for a while with creams and it goes away. (Eczema is commonly associated with gluten). Then we noticed his legs and feet swelling some, and I suspected gluten was responsible, but Ken was not convinced. We continued to consume gluten once or twice daily, and yesterday he woke up with moderate pain in his feet and ankles, no apparent reason other than generalized swelling. This morning he could barely walk, and he considered the pain severe.As of today he is back on his gluten free diet, while I am not, which creates a serious cross-contamination issue! I was planning to do a major wipe-down if all surfaces at the end of my gluten-trial, but now I have to do it several times a day, keep 'his' and 'hers' pasta and bread in separate containers, and I have to be very careful when cooking not to cross contaminate. Now I know many of you have families with only part of the family on gluten-free diets, so this is nothing new to you! I applaud you all, for this is definitely not easy, and you have to be a little OCD to do it properly! It was, and will be in a few weeks, so much easier to have a completely gluten free home!
Meanwhile, Ken is doing a little better this evening, and hopefully will be able to go to work tomorrow. We now know how seriously gluten affects his system, and it is a good thing to know! One new observation though, Ken has Dermatitis Herpetiformis, clearly brought on by gluten exposure. We haven't seen the dark, dry, scaly patches in quite a while, yet today, there they are!
STRATEGY FOR TODAY: Additional pain relieving measures for both Ken and I that include heat, Tylenol, rest, plenty of water, continuing a healthy, varied vegan diet that includes as many anti-inflammatory foods and green tea as possible adapted from Dr. Weil's Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramid, and get another bottle of Bladderwrack as soon as possible for Ken!
Today's Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Fact:
Of the glutenous grains, wheat contains the highest concentration of gluten. There are 30 species of wheat; however, in countries such as the USA only three are being produced for human consumption: Durum (such as in pasta), common wheat (or bread wheat), and club wheat (similar to bread wheat). Over the past 5 decades the hybridization of these variety of wheat has increased the gluten content by nearly 50%.
"The old fourteen-chromosome-containing Einkorn wheat codes for the small number of gluten proteins, and those that it does produce are the least likely to trigger celiac disease and inflammation. The new dwarf wheat contains twenty-eight or twice as many chromosomes and produces a large variety of gluten proteins, including the ones most likely to cause celiac disease".~ Dr. Mark Hyman
Day 11
Ken is feeling better after omitting gluten from his diet for just 24 hours, along with some prescription NSAID medication, and was able to go to work today. After this experience, he will be much more compliant with the gluten-free lifestyle, and has a new understanding of the inflammation that gluten causes! As for myself, since I continue to ingest the evil substance, there is no feeling better on my horizon for at least 2 and a half more weeks. I can do this, I am nearly half-way there! I do wish, make that dream, that I was gluten-free again!
Many of us are aware that celiac testing has major flaws, with 70% or greater of all cases showing a false negative. In cases where a definitive diagnosis of Celiac is made, it is only due to the fact that the individual is in 'end-stage' Celiac Disease. It is known that celiac and gluten sensitivity cause invisible damage for years, even decades, before even being suspected, usually being incorrectly misdiagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), canker sores, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, osteoporosis, anemia, cancer, autoimmune disease, MS, and neurological problems such as depression, anxiety, dementia, schizophrenia, nerve damage, migraines, epilepsy, and autism. - as cited in this Natural News article
.In looking into the newer, reliable testing for Celiac Disease that is provided only by U.S. laboratory, Cyrex, it seems there will be a personal financial burden for the tests. The tests run from $369-$850, depending on whether or not all of the specific gluten antibody tests are run (currently you can be tested for sensitivity/allergy to 5 different glutens) From the Cyrex website:
"Cyrex Laboratories is not contracted with any health insurance providers and does not offer direct insurance or Medicare billing. Patients are financially responsible for services provided by Cyrex. Patients may themselves submit their detailed Cyrex receipt to their insurance company for reimbursement, if reimbursement is offered by their insurance company. Full payment must be received for services before samples can be processed by Cyrex Laboratories."
- Q: Can I pay for my testing in installments?
A: Cyrex does not offer financing services. Cyrex accepts all major credit cards.
Q: Will Cyrex bill my insurance company?
A: At this time, Cyrex Laboratories is not contracted with any insurance provider, including Medicare. Patients are given invoices/statements, which can be sent to their insurance provider for possible reimbursement.
Q: Will my insurance company reimburse me for Cyrex testing?
A: Cyrex encourages patients to contact their insurance provider before having testing performed. The insurance provider will need the testing CPT codes, which are listed on the Cyrex website. "
I am currently contacting my insurance company to find out what, if anything, they will reimburse for, but I am not hopeful. If you or someone you know is interested in the newest, most accurate testing available for Celiac Disease and specific gluten testing, visit and talk to your healthcare professional.
Remember, one should NOT be tested for Celiac/gluten sensitivity unless having consumed a glutenous diet for the previous 4 weeks!
STRATEGY FOR TODAY: It hurts to move. It hurts not to move. So, I might as well move! In the end I will feel better. I am going out for a walk, and possibly do some yoga later (after my daily nap!)
Today's Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Fact:
An article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported on a study with over 30,000 patients. The data was collected from 1969 until 2008. Divided into three groups, the patients either had celiac, had intestinal inflammation but not full-blown celiac disease or had gluten sensitivity. Those individuals with full blown celiac disease had a 39% higher risk of death. The risk was 72% for those with intestinal inflammation, and 35% for those with gluten sensitivity.